A Bit About Me
It has been three years since I started high school and yet, nothing feels like it has changed. I'm now a senior with no concrete clue of where I'm heading. The future seems foggy as I am being forced to pursue the medical field and the pressure that I've known for years hasn't subsided since middle school. There's so many colleges to choose from and even will all the time I have left it's going to run out before I know it. The challenge comes with standing up to what they want me to be and pushing to be myself. There's only one thing that has made feel like I belong: the arts. Ever since I saw a theatre performance at my school (as shown above), I was hooked. In my theatre class, I am able to embody the character of whoever I'm scripted to play. Despite not understanding social cues or how to properly communicate with others, on the stage it is not that way. On the stage I can shine. In dance, all of the anger I feel daily washes away. The genre of son...